Dream Fossil is a collection of 15 short manga stories by the late Satoshi Kon, plus an interview with Kon’s frequent collaborator, the musician Susumu Hirasawa. These short stories, serialized in a variety of magazines and collections in the 1980’s, give a rare glimpse into the early stages of Kon’s uniquely compelling style of storytelling. The buds of dream-like themes and imaginative worldviews that would blossom in his later animated works are also readily apparent. Yet the flights of fancy are anchored by knowing, empathetic portrayals of the very human characters at the center of each story.
Satoshi Kon
Born October 12, 1963. While attending Musashino Art University, Kon made his debut as a manga artist with the short manga “Toriko” (1984) and was runner-up in Kodansha’s 10th Annual Tetsuya Chiba Awards. He later worked as Katsuhiro Otomo’s assistant. Kon is credited by some, including TIME Magazine, as one of the people most responsible for bringing Japanese pop-culture to America. His feature length films Perfect Blue, Paprika, Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers were distributed in theaters across the U.S. and saw critical acclaim worldwide, garnering a number of awards in the process. Satoshi Kon was listed as one of TIME Magazine’s People of the Year in 2010.