Friends of the Oni-Baku

Tsuyoshi Tsukai
A thug in training, Tsukai has been on the wrong path since middle school. \
Back in Enoshima MS 4, this kid was a member of the Four Kings, a select club of middle school tuffs consisting of only the school\'92s \
strongest four. Unfortunately, that fact has come to haunt him now that he graduated and enrolled in Tsujido High. Now as a freshman \
he has latched on with the Oni-Baku, where he can not only get in his share of fistfights but learn a thing or two about \
riding bikes. Tsukai is usually seen riding a scooter.

Katsuyuki Tsumoto
Despite being another freshman Katsuyuki is a real hardhead with a violent streak. \
Leader of the KT Corps, a kind of sub-unit of the Oni-Baku, consisting of Atsushi Honma, Yasuo, Saegusa, and Kitamura, Katsuyuki is \
always itching for a fight and has been known to even get heated with other members of the Oni-Baku. Like most Oni-Baku followers, he \
once fought Onizukua, but after admitting defeat he swore his allegiance to the young biker and is more than willing to fight anyone who \
badmouths him.

Yui Ito
Yui has known the Oni-Baku since middle school. Feisty and not afraid of confrontation, \
Yui is considered the first female to be a member of the Oni-Baku. Early on in GTO The Early Years she develops a crush on Onizuka, \
but as he is too busy fighting over another girl, she eventually moves on and dates Tsuyoshi Tsukai instead. The couple would eventually \
get married.

A member of the KT Corps, the big blond lug is essentially Katsuyuki\'92s right-hand man. \
While not a major character, he occassionaly gets his share of page-time, particularly whenever there are conflicts with rival high \
schools, such as Enoshima Commercial. Despite being a freshman, he has a girlfriend named Mayumi and rides a Yamaha XJ-R.

Shinomi Fujisaki
Another female member of the Oni-Baku, Shinomi like many members is a convert \
who joined after her old circle fell at the hands of Onizuka. From the moment she joined their ranks Shinomi has been attracted to Eikichi, \
but regretfully the two share many of the same characteristics and are practically magnetically repulsive. Much like Onizuka she is \
quick to fight and a heavy drinker. She enjoys playing pranks, and especially enjoys disrupting the Oni-Baku in their pursuit of love. \
She and Onizuka share their moments together, but even when they reunite in 14 Days in Shonan there is a lingering tension \
between the two. Shinomi also rides a scooter.

Machiruda and Misako
The couple that runs Caf\'e9 Speed is actually an infamous biker duo! Former \
members of a gang called SPEED, which just happened to be led and founded by Onizuka\'92s father, these two are essentially like \
extended family to Eikichi, and eventually Ryuji.

Makoto Hashiri
Possibly the most loyal member of the Oni-Baku, Makoto may not possess the hardest \
fists in the gang but his devotion is as strong as steel. Makoto may not look like it but he is also a lady\'92s man. Slightly older than \
the KT Corps, he is often picked on by some younger tougher Oni-Baku followers, but no one can deny his courage.

Kenkichi Hino
Better known in this series as Hinoken, this flat-top sporting punk is an old friend \
of Ryuji Danma. Having met long before Danma first encountered Onizuka, he and Ryuji treat each other like brothers. Unfortunately, \
Hinoken does not get along well with Katsuyuki and Tsukai, so at one point he spun off his own division called the Dragon Fire before \
leaving the Oni-Baku for good.

Nagisa Nagase
While Nagisa\'92s relationship with Danma is currently quite rosy, that was not the \
case initially. When she was a waitress at a beach-side caf\'e9, she caught the attentions of the Oni-Baku with her unique sense of style. \
Unfortunately, she was also at the time under the control of a rival gang\'92s leader. A rape victim who suffered from identity disorder, \
Nagisa is a wildcard throughout the early half of this series. But once she settles in with Danma, she soon becomes a gentle mascot of \
the Oni-Baku. After going through a number of hardships with her beau, Nagisa and Danma would eventually marry and remain \
Onizuka\'92s closest confidants.

Toshiyuki Saejima
One of the Mad Dogs of Kamakura, Saejima is known across the Shonan shores for his \
perverse sense of brutality. However, after he and his partner Jun Kamata were defeated by the Oni-Baku, he began to change his ways. \
Still, Saejima holds some deep grudges, including one with Fumiya Shindoji, who accidently shoved a pencil up Saejima\'92s nose. Ironically, \
Saejima was planning to do the same thing to Fumiya, before his devious project backfired.

Usagi Kiwamezawa
Possibly the most formidable character in the GTO universe, Kiwamezawa \
is a huge, 6\'928\'94 tall, beast of a teen with a look that could possibly intimidate an army. But deep down underneath the monstrous \
exterior is a soul that is one of a kind. Usagi, sometimes called Bunny, is a huge fan of shojo manga. A devoted Sailor Moon \
fan he is the official otaku among the bunch.

Another member of the KT Corps, Atsushi is often utilized in this series as \
fire-starter as whenever the red-head is hit an all-out brawl would ensue.

Ayumi Murakoshi
Having made her debut in the first volume of GTO: The Early Years, Ms. \
Murakoshi was briefly a love interest of Ryuji Danma\'92s. While taking advantage of a school break the Oni-Baku attempted to pick up \
Ms. Murakoshi and her nurse friend Mariko. The two young women were pretending to be teenagers hoping to have a good time with some \
young studs. But Ayumi and Danma\'92s relationship would continue long after the truth is revealed and eventually she must make a decision \
whether to stay with this rebellious youth or give him an opportunity to experience the many joys of being a teen. She would eventually \
leave him, disappearing briefly before returning to Shonan to escape marital pressures from her family.