Gummy Fun is a collection of easy-to-make chewy treats that are as fun to prepare as they are to eat. Hisako Ogita's imaginative recipes cover a wide range of flavors and textures, some that use gelatin and others based on agar, all with simple ingredients that give subtly sweet results. Try making these gummies with family or present them as gifts to your friends who are sure to be delighted by these unique treats.

Chewy Treats for the Whole Family
Gummy Fun
by Hisako Ogita
Paperback, 72 pages, approx 8.25 x 5.75 inches
978-1-935654-90-2 Buy.
U.S.$14.95 / CAN$16.95
Praise for the author:
"Ogita brings her experience on baking to this delicious book that’s filled with pages and pages of beautiful photos that will make you drool.”—Make Magazine
"[Ogita’s] I Love Macarons is a wonderful little book. It’s designed to make you love it, from the sweet use of the heart dingbat in the title to the giggly captions that float on the full-bleed photos.”—Eat Me Daily