The sickness unto death is what Kierkegaard calls despair and in this comic despair is manifested in form of a young woman named Emiru. Emiru is a beautiful young woman from a rich family and plenty to aspire to. Unfortunately she is consumed with grief. She does not align herself with God or God's plan for her and needs guidance.
So when she meets a young psychology student named Futaba she gives herself to him. In this way she loses herself to him. Kierkegaard defines humanity as the tension between the "finite and infinite", and the "possible and the necessary", and in this case Emiru as we come to know her will eventually end under Futaba's guidance. But who will take her place? And how will she and Futaba go through the balancing act between these opposing personalities as their relationship builds.
“Sickness Unto Death proves to be a great title for you to bring along for a long weekend -- it's one you can either take at a breakneck pace, like I did, or space it out and let the ideas sink in. Is it a title that has true lasting value? Probably not. The art doesn't prove itself to be something truly award-winning, and some of the excitement of reading it disappears because you know the whole story. But in the time you read it-- especially if either you or someone close to you have had some experience with depression-- it'll be absolutely captivating. And if you're in the midst of dealing with something rough, then this might just provide a spark to your life...9.0 – Exceptional. One of the best things its genre has ever produced. Its example will be copied or taken into account by almost anything that follows it.”
“Beguiling and hypnotic, this exceptional medical mystery/ghostly love story is far from the familiar – to Western eyes at least – explosive bombast and action slapstick normally associated with manga. As such it might just make a few converts amongst die-hard holdouts who prefer sensitive writing, deep themes and human scale to their comics. Moody, moving and far more than just another adult comic, Sickness Unto Death is that rare thing: a graphic novel for people who don’t think they like comics…”
—Now Read This!