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\ by Nobuko Takagi


Translated by Deborah Iwabuchi
\ Fiction/Literary
\ Hardcover
\ 978-1-934287-14-9 / 1-934287-14-8
\ 192 Pages
\ 5.375 x 7.5 inches
\ U.S.$19.95 / CAN$25.95



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Chigiri, \ a divorced single mother, lives in the countryside town where \ she grew up, caring for her sword-smith father whose trade and \ health are failing. Her life seems to be going nowhere. When a \ documentary filmmaker who worked on a piece about her father many \ years ago revisits the town, Chigiri, who was still a high school \ student back then, begins to feel like one again. Yet feelings \ aren't where it ends when a half-serious offer of prostitution \ is floated between the financially desperate Chigiri and Go, the \ visitor, who has since become successful in Tokyo.


With a philsophical acumen and \ exaltation of passion reminiscent of Yukio Mishima, Milan Kundera, \ and Marguerite Duras, Translucent Tree follows the story \ of mature lovers for whom, despite all, innocence is never a thing \ of the past.





“Nobuko \ Takagi writes with a fluidity that complements the hard, metallic \ background story about swords and daggers and the families that \ made them. Her descriptions of sex, especially, sluice through \ the reader’s conscious with careful deftness.”
\ —ForeWord magazine


No romance \ novelist enjoys more critical accolades than author Nobuko Takagi, \ who won the prestigious Akutagawa Prize when she made her debut \ in 1984. In this novel, penned nearly two decades later, Japan’s \ queen of love stories harkens back to her roots in literary fiction \ to offer a tale as exquisite as it is torrid. Translucent \ Tree not only won the Tanizaki Award, granted to the best \ literary novel of the year, but also garnered further acclaim \ as a successful feature film.


After \ working as an editor, Nobuko Takagi won the Akutagawa Prize in \ 1984 and became a professional writer in her thirties. In addition \ to the Tanizaki Award for Translucent Tree, she has been \ the recipient of the Women’s Literature Award and the Minister \ of Culture Award. Translucent Tree is her first novel \ to appear in English. The author lives in Fukuoka, Japan.
