"Japan's answer to The Lord of the Rings"
— The Globe and Mail

With more than a hundred installments and going strong—each new book a bestseller—The Guin Saga is Japan's top heroic fantasy series. Finally available in paperback, the much-praised American edition of The Leopard Mask is the first of a projected five comprising the saga's opening "Marches Episode."
In a single day and night of fierce fighting, the Archduchy of Mongaul has overrun its elegant neighbor, Parros. The lost priest kingdom's surviving royalty, the young twins Rinda and Remus, hide in a forest in the forbidding wild Marches. There they are saved by a mysterious creature with a man's body and a leopard's head who has just emerged from a deep sleep and only remembers his name. Guin.
Click Here to Read a Free Excerpt of Book 1: The Leopard Mask
The Guin Saga Manga: The Seven Magi

While the main story spans over a hundred books, The Guin Saga is equally beloved for the dozens of gaiden side stories wherein sorcery is a potent and prominent force. This three-volume manga, based on the first of the lush side stories, is the first-ever adaptation of the mega-hit franchise to comics form.
Click Here to Read a Free Excerpt of The Guin Saga Manga: The Seven Magi